المؤتمر الدولي ICTAAI
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International Conference on Technical Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2025 (ICTAAI)


Session for

Biomedical Engineering Research Center / University of Anbar

Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Salih Al-Neda

Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Salih Al-Neda

President of University of Anbar, Iraq

Chair Session

Intelligent System Applications with Biomedical Engineering and Artificial Limb Manufacturing


Welcome to the official website of the 2025 International Conferences on Technical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (ICTAAI). The conference will be held in Petra, Jordan, from 10-12 April 2025. The objective is to bring together innovative scientists, professors, research scholars, students, and industrial experts in the field of artificial intelligence and smart environments in a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of innovative scientific information between research developers, engineers, students, and participants. Another goal is to promote the transformation of fundamental research into institutional and industrialized research and to convert applied exploration into real-time application. Overall, the conference will provide the researchers and attendees with prospects for national and international collaboration and networking among universities and institutions from Jordan and abroad for promoting scientific research.


Developing the latest generation of artificial intelligence is crucial to increasing productivity, driving innovation, and enhancing the best of everyday life. Researchers, scientists, and engineers intend to achieve this even by improving the latest theories and applications, and it is crucial to disseminate these research papers worldwide to facilitate collaboration and spark innovation. This special issue will bring together the latest and most interesting contributions in the field of artificial intelligence applications in multiple fields in biomedical engineering and in the smart prosthetics industry, and we will be keen to present the best scientific research in these disciplines that are characterized by the applied and modern side of artificial intelligence theories.


Therefore, this special session invites authors to submit high-quality research papers on Intelligent system Applications with Biomedical Engineering and Artificial limb Manufacturing topics which include (but are not limited to) the following:

Category Topics
1. Artificial Limbs ? Development of intelligent Artificial limbs.
? Integration of AI in prosthetic design.
? Improvement functionality and control in Artificial Limbs.
2. Biomechanics and Bioengineering ? Application of biomechanics in Artificial limbs.
? Biomedical Engineering Principles in the Development of Prosthetics.
? Biomaterial in Artificial limbs.
? Lightweight Material in Prosthetics.
3. Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering ? AI-powered myoelectric prosthetic.
? AI decoders for peripheral nerve interfaces.
? Brain-machine interfaces.
? Medical Imaging and Classification.
? Health Informatics, and Computational Genomics.
? Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics.
4. Sensor Technologies ? Biosensors in Artificial limbs.
? Sensors for smart prosthetics monitoring.
? Development of bio-compatible sensor.
? Biosensors for infection detection and prevention.
5. Osseointegration Techniques ? Osseointegrated prosthetics.
? Stability Prosthetics and natural movement.
? Techniques for Reducing Infection Risks in Artificial Limbs.
6. Robotics in Biomedical Engineering ? Robotic systems in intelligent prosthetics.
? Actuators for Natural movement adaptation.
? Advances in robotic prosthetic limbs.
? Enhanced mobility.
? Robots and Intelligent Systems in Healthcare.
? Robotics and Automation Application.
7. Material Science in Biomedical Engineering ? Materials for comfortable and efficient prosthetic limbs.
? Lightweight and durable materials.
? Composed Material in Biosensors.
? Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering.
? Nanotechnology and Applied Nanosensors.
? Biophysics and medical physics.
8. Neural Interfaces ? Neural interfaces for Artificial limbs Controller.
? Cortical neural interfaces in Artificial limbs.
? Neural interfaces in Biosensors.
9. Rehabilitation Engineering ? Rehabilitation engineering in the development of prosthetic devices.
? Techniques for Improving the Rehabilitation.
? High performance in the Rehabilitation Process.
? Intelligent tools in the Rehabilitation Process.
? Mechatronics and Mechanical tools in Rehabilitation.

Program Committee of Conference

# Name Country
1 Prof. Dr. Yousif I. Al Mashhadany Iraq
2 Prof. Osman Adigesel Turkey
3 Prof. Vector Vectrovech Russia
4 Prof. Bashir Salih Tunisia
5 Prof. Yuri Nikalyvech Ukraine
6 Prof. Nouredine Ouelaa Algeria
7 Dr. Dagher Mohammad USA
8 Dr. Abu-nidzhim Ramzi Hassan Russia
9 Dr. Sofien Mhatli Tunisia
10 Dr. Emad Rabadi Poland
11 Vikram G Kamble Germany

Scientific Committee of Conference

# Name Position Affiliation
1 Prof. Dr. Yousif Al Mashhadany Chair University of Anbar / BERC / Iraq
2 Prof Ir. Dr. Norhana Arsad Member Universitiy Kebangsaan Malaysia / Malaysia
3 Prof. Dr. Kasim Mousa Al-Aubidy Member Tishk International University / Iraq
4 Prof. Dr. Muhsin Jaber Jweeg Member Al-Farahidi University / Iraq
5 Prof. Dr. Takialddin Adnan Al-Smadi Member Jerash University / Jordan
6 Prof. Dr. Ayad M. Takhakh Member Al-Nahrain University / Iraq
7 Prof. Dr. Aziz I. Abdulla Member Tikrit University / Iraq
8 Prof. Dr. Emad Kamil Hussein Member Al Furat Al Awsat Technical University / Iraq
9 Prof. Dr. Khalaf S. Gaeid Al-Shammari Member Tikrit University / Iraq
10 Assist. Prof. Dr. Hasan. A. AL Dabbas Member Philadelphia University / Jordan
11 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sayel M. Fayyad Member Al Balqa Applied University / Jordan
12 Assist. Prof. Dr. Encarna Mic?-Amigo Member Heriot-Watt University / United Kingdom
13 Assist. Prof. Dr. Auns Qusai Al-Neami Member Al-Nahrain University / Iraq
14 Assist. Prof. Dr. Thaker Nayl Member University of Anbar / BERC / Iraq
15 Assist. Prof. Dr. Haitham K. Dawood Member University of Anbar / College of Engineering / Iraq
16 Assist. Prof. Dr. Settar S. Keream Member University of Anbar / College of Engineering / Iraq
17 Dr. Ali Amer Ahmed Alrawi Member University of Anbar / BERC / Iraq
18 Dr. Kadhum A Abed Member University of Anbar / BERC / Iraq
19 Dr. Hamid R. Alsanad Member University of Anbar / BERC / Iraq

Important Information

- All accepted papers will be Published in a Special issue Which is Indexed in Scopus data baseJournals (Upon Researcher Request). For more details, please visit the conference website:Click here

- The template of ICTAAI conference with MS Word format you can download this template by:Click here

1- Registration Fees:

No. Participation Type Fees
1 Standard Participation without hotel accommodation 450$
2 Standard Participation with accommodation for 2 nights at Petra Elite Hotel 550$
3 Standard Participation without accommodation with publication in Conference proceeding 450$
4 Standard Participation with accommodation for 2 nights + Publication Q3/Q4; Scopus journal (Full Package without Flights) 1150$
5 Students (Ph.D. + Master) 300$
6 Standard Participation from Jordan without accommodation 280$
7 Attendance only 200$
8 Online Conference Participation 200$
9 Posters 70$

2- Fees Include:

• Conference documents + Conference Bag.

• Two Coffee Breaks / for 2 days.

• Two Lunches / for 2 days.

• Transportation from Amman to Petra.

• Social Program.

3- Important Dates:

• Abstract Submission: March 5, 2025

• Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 20, 2025

• Notification of Acceptance: One week after submission

• Camera-Ready Submission: March 31, 2025

• Early Bird Registration: Feb. 20, 2025

• Conference Date: April (10-12), 2025

• Venue: Petra Elite Hotel

Journals for Publication

No. Journal Name Scopus Rank Website Publication Fees
1 Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories Q2 Link 400$
2 Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences Q3 Link 200$
3 International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Q4 Link 290$
4 Anbar Journal of Engineering Sciences (AJES) - Link Free


- To apply submission of your article:Click here

عدد المشاهدات : 60