The Biomedical Engineering Research Center at the University of Anbar launches its first training course on prosthetic limb production
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The Biomedical Engineering Research Center at the University of Anbar launches its first training course on prosthetic limb production

Under the guidance of the President of University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, the Biomedical Engineering Research Center began its actual work by launching its first session specialized in the production of prosthetic limbs, which witnessed wide participation from researchers and the Center’s advanced staff in this vital field.

The course included a series of theoretical lectures and practical exercises, where the Director of the Medical Engineering Research Center, Professor Dr. Yousef Ismail Al-Mashhadany, began with an introductory overview of the nucleus of establishing the center and the efforts of the presidency of Anbar University to support this scientific and academic project and then enhance the skills of the participants from the center’s staff in designing and manufacturing limbs. industrial, In addition to introducing them to the latest technologies and innovations in this field. Experiences were also exchanged between the center’s staff, which contributed to creating a collaborative environment rich in knowledge and creativity.

This course is an important step towards achieving the center’s goals in providing scientific and practical solutions that serve society, especially in the field of prosthetics, which is considered one of the basic pillars of improving the quality of life for individuals who need these technologies.